Early Entrance
Early entrance to Kindergarten is the admission to Kindergarten of a student who:
A). Will not be five years of age on or before September 1st of that school term
B). Is admitted prior to the dates established in the school code based upon an assessment of his or her readiness to attend school.
This unique type of whole-grade acceleration may be an excellent option for some children.
1st Grade
Early entrance to first grade is the admission to first grade of a student who:
A). Is assessed for readiness, attended a non-public preschool and continued his or her education at that school through kindergarten, was taught in kindergarten by an appropriately certified teacher, and will attain the age of six years on or before December 31st
B). Is admitted prior to the dates established in the School Code based upon an assessment of his or her readiness to attend school
Requests should be directed to our Director of Learning
Jason Jezuit
Director of Learning and Instruction
Phone: (847) 945 - 1844 x7207
Email: jjezuit@dps109.org
The Typical Timeline for Early Entrance:
- Registration Request
- February - April
- Assessment & Decision
- May-June
Click here to read directly from the Board Policy Manual online (reference 6:135 Accelerated Placement Program).
Below are the steps required for Early Entry
Step 1:
- Registration
- Parents will be asked to provide two documents for proof of residency (options listed below) and their child's birth certificate:
- One (1) from this list:
- Property tax bill
- Warranty deed
- Signed lease with proof of payment
- Two (2) from this list:
- Driver's IL License
- License plate registration
- Voter registration
- Auto insurance card/statement
- Gas, electric, or water utility bill (no cable or phone bills)
- One (1) from this list:
Step 3:
- May/June
- Records Review - Information collected from preschool/kindergarten, including interview with teacher
- NWEA MAP - Math and Reading: need to score in the 90th percentile or above in both reading and math to qualify for Early Entrance
- Local Assessments - Math assessment, REading assessment, and writing sample.
Step 4:
- Data review & follow-up with family.
Step 5 (if needed):
- An intelligence test administered by a school psychologist
- An adaptive measure administered by a psychologist
Step 6:
- District decision - made by a team consisting of a district administrator, the school principal, the school psychologist, and supporting school staff.