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Grading & Reporting

Standards-based grading in grades K–5 evaluates academic progress as measured against specific learning standards. Traditional grading (A-F) is used in grades 6-8; however, standards-based learning remains a priority. Students at all levels are given opportunties to continue practicing skills to secure mastery of content. The goal of K-8 education is to support student growth, and the purpose of report cards is to provide meaningful communication to families regarding their child's progress.

Elementary Report Card

Elementary Report Card

In grades K-5, each academic learning standard is assigned an M, P, or N. See the descriptors of each below:

Mastery of Grade-Level Standard

The student independently demonstrates a thorough understanding of the standard and consistently applies the knowledge and skills learned.

Progressing Towards Mastery of Grade-Level Standard

The student demonstrates a partial understanding of the standard and/or inconsistently demonstrates or requires support to apply the knowledge and skills.

Not Yet working at Grade-Level Standard

The student is continuing to develop prerequisite knowledge and skills.

Important Academic Standard Note:
Standards are written at grade level, and some skills are not intended to be mastered until the end of the year. If you see a P in Semester 1, do not worry. A concept may have just been introduced, or a child may still be working towards consistent application or independence. Some skills, like writing, are a year-long developmental process and most students receive a P in Semester 1. Teachers help students work towards mastery throughout the academic year. That is why children come to school! The Semester 2 (end of year) report card is where you would expect to see a child mastering all academic skills and receive all M’s. 

Kindergarten Support Document

1st Grade Support Document

2nd Grade Support Document

3rd Grade Support Document

4th Grade Support Document

5th Grade Support Document

Middle School Report Card

Middle School Report Card

In grades 6-8, each course is assigned a letter grade. 80% of the grade is based on a student’s demonstration of learning on summative projects, presentations, tests, etc., while 20% of the grade is based on formative assignments, such as in-class activities and homework. See the grading scale (aligned with DHS) below. 


























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Habits of Success

Habits of Success

In grades K-8, each Habit of Success is assigned an M, P, or N. See the descriptions below.

Meeting age-appropriate expectations

The student independently and consistently demonstrates the skill.

Progressing towards age-appropriate expectations

The student requires occasional prompting and/or inconsistently demonstrates the skill

Needs Improvement

The student requires regular prompting and/or rarely demonstrates the skill.

Important Habits of Success Note: 
The Habits of Success are closely aligned with a child’s social skills and/or executive functioning. These skills continue to develop in students over time. Teachers will be evaluating the age-appropriateness of each child’s demonstration of these skills. Independence and consistency are the markers for an M; therefore, some students may be marked a P while developing the habits they need to obtain the highest level of success in school. The need for some level of prompting is not entirely atypical. The goal would be growth over time. A marking of an N means that the child is having more difficulty than typical, which would generally be communicated prior to the report card. 

Frequently Asked Questions

You can download the District 109 Report Card Overview here.