Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a prevention framework that organizes building level resources to set each student up for academic, social-emotional, and/or behavioral success. MTSS looks at the whole child, allowing for the early identification of challenges and timely intervention for students. Increasingly intense tiers (e.g., Tier I, Tier II, Tier III), sometimes referred to as levels of prevention, represent and continuum of supports.
Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention (RtI) processes focus on students who are experiencing a discrepancy between what is expected and what is occuring, and provides a vehicle for data-based decision making to strengthen their performance before problems increase in intensity. RtI refers to the practice of providing effective core instruction and SEL support to all students and intervention, aligned to core instruction/support, for students that demonstrate a need. Assessment (district and classroom), progress monitoring, and data-driven decision making are components of successful RtI implementation.