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Technology & Innovation

Technology in 109

District 109 is a 1:1 teaching and learning environment. Students in grades K-1 are issued an iPad for educational purposes. Students in grade 2-8 are issued a touchscreen 2-in-1 Chromebook. As a 1:1 school district, classrooms utilize online tools to promote collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, and digital citizenship.

two students sitting side by side wearing headphones using ipads

The primary focus of the digital tools is to enhance learning so that students can grow academically at their own place, pace, and path. Digital tools, particularly the learning management systems, can also be used to enhance communication with parents/guardians, providing a window into their child’s learning.

Teachers further their ability to use technology to enhance their teaching through various professional development opportunities provided by technology partners and at the district. DIstrict 109 is a Google for Education learning environment with many staff having gone through training to become Google Certified Educators and/or Google Certified Trainers.

The Chief Technology Officer, along with Net 56 technicians, manages technology infrastructure and provides support to staff and students.

Innovation in 109

As we strive to prepare our students to thrive in a constantly evolving technological landscape, Deerfield District 109 focuses on the ISTE Student Standards which are designed to empower student voice and ensure that learning is a student-driven process.

student in a white crewneck sitting at a chromebook while a younger student shows them something

The ISTE Student Standards help our students become an:

  1. Empowered Learner
  2. Digital Citizen
  3. Knowledge Constructor
  4. Innovative Designer
  5. Computational Thinker
  6. Creative Communicator
  7. Global Communicator

Throughout the district our students have opportunities to experience learning which focus on the ISTE Student Standards. Empowering learners through setting goals, gathering feedback, choosing their learning product, and transferring their learning. Learning digital citizenship lessons using resources such as Commonsense Media and Google Be Internet Awesome throughout the year recognizing the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world. By learning to act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical by exploring and learning how to use informational databases, by learning research and media literacy our students become knowledge constructors. Students learn computational thinking through opportunities such as learning to code robots and various coding languages and creating their own virtual and augmented reality using CoSpaces Edu and Merge Cubes.