Guest Teachers
The Role of a Guest Teacher
Guest Teachers are responsible for the condition of the classroom and the equipment at all times during their work assignment prior to the class of each period, and before the close of school at the end of the day. Guest Teachers will hold students responsible for leaving the room clear of clutter of papers, textbooks, and other items for classroom use. If more than one substitute or teacher uses a classroom, it becomes the responsibility of all guest teachers or teachers using the room to ensure that it is in proper order. On leaving the room for the day, guest teachers will turn out all lights, close and lock all windows, and close all doors for their assigned classrooms.
Below is a partial listing of duties that you can be expected to perform in your role as a Guest Teacher with Deerfield Public Schools District 109.
- Direct the learning experiences of students in both curricular and extracurricular activities.
- Provide guidance to students that will promote their proper educational development and welfare.
- Be responsible for student accounting.
- Provide for the care and protection of school property.
- Supervise students on the school grounds as designated by the principal.
- Maintain cordial relationships with colleagues.
- Follow the ethics of the profession.
- Enforce policies and regulations as established by the board and professional staff.
- Accept a fair share of supervisory duties at pupil activities in buildings and on grounds during school hours.
Guest Teachers must be present when students are using a room or building of the school. Students or other unauthorized personnel are not to be lent keys. Guest Teachers should not unlock rooms other than their own for any reason without the knowledge of the teacher responsible for the room.