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Student Services

Welcome to the Student Services Department in Deerfield Public Schools. We support a wide range of programming for students, including special education, 504 plans, English language learners, nursing services, social-emotional learning, multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), and McKinney-Vento. 

To learn more about services for children residing in Deerfield School District 109, please contact your building Assistant Principal, Directors for Student Services or start by exploring the resources available on this website.

109 Quick Finds

Who do I contact?

Bullying Prevention

Required Examinations & Immunizations

Free & Reduced Lunch

Parents and Professionals for Success

TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804

Inclusive Practices

We have always prioritized inclusive practices in District 109, as data consistently shows that all students thrive when they have as much access to the general education setting as appropriate and possible given their individual needs.

Inclusive practices are a priority for our entire team. We remain dedicated to fostering an inclusive school community where expectations and standards are consistently high for all students, and where teachers and staff are supported to ensure that all students can succeed.

Students with Disabilities

Deerfield Public Schools 109 provides a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to students with disabilities, who may qualify under either Section 504 or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Under either provision, District 109 supports the federal and state mandate to meet student needs in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Our school community continues to embrace inclusive instructional practices, which are designed to provide accommodations and/or special education services within the context of the general education setting to the greatest extent possible.

The Division of Student Services provides unique services, tailored to the individual needs of students. All students, regardless of their academic, social or emotional abilities achieve their highest personal potential when provided with a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment that will allow them to become independent and self-directed learners in a changing world.

Illinois State Board of Education Special Education Information for Parents

DPS 109's Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Approved RTO Reduction Plan

First page of the PDF file: _23-24RTO-Reduction-PlanDPS109