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Participation in Middle School Athletics

District 109 students are able to participate in IESA athletics when entering their 6th grade year. These include:

  • Basketball: 6th Grade; 7th/8th Grade Boys; 7th/8th Grade Girls
  • Cheerleading & Pom Pons Squad
  • Cross Country
  • Soccer - coed
  • Softball - coed & 16' mush ball
  • Track & Field
  • Volleyball: Boys & Girls
  • Wrestling

All students interested in participating in any interscholastic athletic activity must have the following forms on file with the school nurse. You need to submit these forms once each school year.

Forms Required Before Practice

Step 1a

A physical form for students entering grade 6

The “Certificate of Child Health Exam” form required for all incoming students in Grade 6 can serve as the athletic physical. Make sure that your physician checks the interscholastic sports participation box.

First page of the PDF file: child-health-exam-form-revised-03-2024-es

According to The School Code of Illinois, physical examinations are required of all students prior to initial entry into school. 

Step 1b

A physical form for students entering grades 7 and 8

The athletic physical form is the IESA “Pre-participation Examination” form. 

First page of the PDF file: IESAPre-ParticipationExaminationForm

Step 3

Coaches will give each team member this Athletic Participation Form, which includes fee information, student accident insurance information and asks parents to provide emergency information. Once your student joins a team, the fees will automatically be applied to their account. 

First page of the PDF file: ClubActivityParticipationForm
Middle school basketball team gathered together for a picture. Wearing red shirts

Concussion Information

Concussions are common, particularly if you play a contact sport. But every concussion injures your brain to some extent. This injury needs time and rest to heal properly. Most concussive traumatic brain injuries are mild, and people usually recover fully. Below is a Concussion Fact Sheet for parents/guardians.

A group of girls all dressed in winter running gear taking a group picture outside
First page of the PDF file: ConcussionFactSheetforParents
Cross country team photo outside in a field, group gathered together

Our Middle Schools