Special Education
Special Education: A continuum of services is available for students with disabilities, preschool through eighth grade, who are found eligible to receive special education. The steps to identifying a student as eligible for special education services is a carefully managed process guided by State and Federal regulations. Evaluations required to make this determination are completed only with parent permission. A multi-disciplinary team reviews assessment data to determine if the student has a disability that requires special education services. When a student is found eligible for special education services, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed with the participation of the school staff, the parents and the student (when appropriate). An IEP is a statement of the special education and related services that will be provided to the student and is updated at least annually during a student's eligibility for special education.
Interpreter Services
Public school districts are required to take whatever action is necessary to facilitate a parent or guardian's understanding of and participation in IEP meetings. This includes the provision of interpreter services for parents/guardians whose native language is not English or a sign language interpreter for parents/guardians who are deaf or hard of hearing. In the absence of qualified interpreters on staff, school districts may use outside vendors, including telephonic interpreters. Parents/guardians have the right to request that an interpreter provided by the school district serve no other role during an IEP meeting, and the school district must make reasonable efforts to comply with the request. To request an interpreter or if you have any questions or complaints about interpretation services, please contact your building's Assistant Principal/ Director for Student Services.
Related Service Logs
School Personnel who provide related services to students are required to maintain written logs that contain the service provided, the date, and number of minutes administered. These related service logs must be provided to parents/guardians anytime upon request. These service logs are considered part of a student's temporary school records.