Welcome to the Superintendent's Office
We are here to provide leadership and support to further the District's mission and vision. If you need to get in contact with the Superintendent, his contact information and executive assistant's information are to the left. If you need to get in contact with one of our department heads, please find the correct department head and their contact information at the bottom of this page.
Mr. Mike Simeck
Superintendent of Schools
Phone: (847) 945 - 1844
Email: msimeck@dps109.org
Rebecca Rudd
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Education
Phone: (847) 945 - 1844 x7240
Email: rrudd@dps109.org
Our District's Mission
District 109: Where challenging experiences foster confidence, collaborative relationships build community, and creative environments ignite curiosity.
Our 109 Vision
We will develop each student to be emotionally resilient, socially skilled, and academically prepared by forging connections within, across, and beyond our classrooms, and by embracing each student's uniqueness
Department Heads
Joanna Ford
Assistant Superintendent for Student Services
Phone: (847) 945 - 1844 x7229
Email: jford@dps109.org
John Filippi, Ed.D., SFO
Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations, CSBO
Phone: (847) 945 - 1844 x7215
Email: jfilippi@dps109.org
Eric Steckling
Director of Communications & Community Relations
Phone: (847) 945-1844 x7238
Email: esteckling@dps109.org
Dale Fisher, Ed.D., eHCLE, SPHR
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
Phone: (847) 945 - 1844 x7228
Email: dfisher@dps109.org
Danielle Arnold, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
Phone: (847) 945 - 1844 x7220
Email: darnold@dps109.org
RJ Bialk, Ed.D.
Chief Technology Officer
Phone: (847) 945 - 1844 x7210
Email: rbialk@dps109.org