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Early Release Wednesday

Every Wednesday
Students Released Early - Teachers Collaborate, Plan & Learn

In order for teachers and staff to have effective, regular collaboration and professional development time, District 109 schedules “Early Release Wednesday.” Buses will run the same routes home.

Every Wednesday during the school year, the schedule is:

Elementary School

Students end their school day at 2:25 pm (rather than 3:25 pm)
Teachers meet from 2:40 pm - 3:55 pm

Middle School

Students end their school day at 2:00pm (rather than 3:00pm)
Teachers meet from 2:15pm - 3:30pm

Where Does The Time Come From?

District 109’s academic calendar includes few in-service days and additional instructional days. You may click here to view the calendar. (Note that early release Wednesdays are not indicated on that calendar, but they will be in effect every Wednesday of the school year after the first week of school.)

After School Care Options

The Deerfield Park District After-School Club offers an option for care on Wednesdays to bridge the early release time. The PTOs will communicate with parents about options for after-school programming. Families can contact other private recreation and care providers for information about their programming.