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Master Facility Plan

A Message From Superintendent Mr. Simeck

Most Recent Update: Spring 2024

DPS 109 continued our public information campaign of our master facility planning work by dedicating an article explaining our process in the Spring/Summer issue of The 109 Way magazine.

Our plan is to have further public engagement surrounding the Master Facility Plan in the 2024-2025 school year.

Most Recent BOE Presentation

During this process, the master facility planning committee met with ARCON & Associates four separate times to develop, review, and provide feedback on a number of infrastructure strategies. The administration has reviewed the strategies and it was presented at our August 29th, 2023 Committee of the Whole meeting.

You can view the meeting here

For a quick overview of the meeting, check out our BOE Recap Here

What is a Master Facility Plan?

A Master Facility Plan is a road map to prioritize maintenance and capital needs. It is not a final decision, but a strategy to guide decision-making in order to discover and discuss potential avenues. 

As teaching and learning strategies change and evolve, so must our school buildings. The focus of the committee meetings is to develop strategies for each facility over a 30-year period that will best serve the district from an instructional perspective while carefully considering financial and equity implications. The master facility planning committee has studied options spanning from continued maintenance of all buildings as they are presently constructed to moderate additions and improvements at all buildings to full replacement of a number of facilities. An official from Raymond James updated the group on the potential cost of the presented paths and the different ways the district could fund these options. The group provided feedback on the various options presented for the architects & the administration to consider. As we continue to move forward in this planning process we will continue to be financially responsible, intentional, and transparent.

little girl plays with cardboard multicolored bricks

Fall 2023: Discussion of Viable Strategies

Strategy A

  • Maintenance Only
  • Funding:
    • Alternate Bonds - 10%
    • DSEB Bonds - 5%
    • District Funds - 85%

Strategy B

  • Maintenance/Additions/Renovations at 4 Elementary Schools
  • Maintenance/Additions/Renovations at Middle Schools
  • Funding:
    • Referendum Bonds - 24%
    • Alternate Bonds - 14%
    • District Funds - 62%

Strategy C

  • Replacement of 4 Elementary Schools
  • Maintenance/Additions/Renovations at Middle Schools
  • Funding:
    • Referendum Bonds - 31%
    • Alternate Bonds - 33%
    • DSEB Bonds - 3%
    • District Funds - 33%

Funding Sources for Strategies

District Funds are a combination of accumulated fund balance and typical revenue source that we would pledge to maintenance and capital needs.

Debt Service Extension Base Bonds are bonds issued against the existing debt service extension base.

Alternate Bonds are bonds that the Board can issue subject to a petition period.

Referendum Bonds are bonds that must be approved by the voters. 

DPS 109 is in the midst of a master facility planning process, which will help us determine the short and long-term needs to make our schools the best educational and working environment possible for students and staff. Our aim in our approach is to be proactive; tackling these big discussions now while there are a variety of options to consider, and interactive; seeking out and engaging the community in our approach and their wants and desires for the educational facilities they pay for.

When were our facilities built and most recently renovated?

Kipling: Built in 1948 and updated in 1996

Wilmot: Built in 1955 and updated in 2011

Walden: Built in 1957 and updated in 2000

South Park: Built in 1959 and updated in 1999

Shepard: Built in 1961 and updated in 2019

Caruso: Built in 1968 and updated in 2022

District Center: Built in 1969 and updated in 2011

Our Goals When Planning for the Future

Goal #1

Create a long-range roadmap for the DPS 109 facilities prioritized by and aligned with the District's educational mission and the communities' goals for learning, and responding to the highest priorities from the physical and educational assessments. 

Goal #2

Provide an open opportunity for widespread community and stakeholder engagement.

Goal #3

Dovetail the Master Facility Plan with the District's ongoing Capital Projects program. 

Below are the phases we have worked through and will continue to work through as we move forward in this process.